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The Ftracker is a Faster Tracker

The Ftracker is a professional scientific research information platform. Free of charge to provide researchers and the public with the latest information on academic progress in various fields around the world.You can easily get the latest published articles of all journals in the world, or you can set keywords to follow the progress of the fields you are interested in. You can get the information through email, mobile app(Search “ftracker” in Android or Apple App Store) and

1.A branch-and-cut algorithm for a skip pick-up and delivery problem

2.Testing the Development Impact of Islamic Banking: Islamic Moral Economy Approach to Development

3.Thoracoscopic-assisted, minimally invasive versus off-pump bypass grafting for single vessel coronary artery disease – A propensity matched analysis

4.Breaking the Tumor Chronic Inflammation Balance with a Programmable Release and Multi-Stimulation Engineering Scaffold for Potent Immunotherapy

5.Global Health Initiatives: International Physican-to-Physician Consultation Programs

6.Unlocking the Potential of Bi2S3-Derived Bi Nanoplates: Enhanced Catalytic Activity and Selectivity in Electrochemical and Photoelectrochemical CO2 Reduction to Formate

7.A General Strategy for Food Traceability and Authentication Based on Assembly-Tunable Fluorescence Sensor Arrays

8.Hydrophilic Photocrosslinkers as a Universal Solution to Endow Water Affinity to a Polymer Photocatalyst for an Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution Rate

9.Screening for Financial Toxicity Among Patients with Cancer: A Systematic Review

10.Scan With Me (SWiM): A train-the-trainer program to upskill MRI personnel in low- and middle- income countries.

11.Building Radiology Equity: Themes from the 2023 RAD-AID Conference on International Radiology and Global Health

12.Utilising ancient DNA to understand crop population dynamics across a millennium: A case study of archaeological barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) from Gran Canaria, Spain

13.Medicines for an aging population: The EMA perspective and policies

14.Achieving goal-concordant care: Formal and informal advance care planning for White, Black, and Hispanic older adults

15.Personalized Tablets for Residents in Long-Term Care to Support Recreation and Mitigate Isolation